Sentier Artistique

​Le Chemin Des Totems 2017

- Saturday 22nd July at 4;00 pm "Tales of the Seasons" 
- Saturday 14th August at 8:30 pm "Tales of the Washerwomen" 
- Sunday, August 15th at 4:00 pm "Tales of the washerwomen" 

- Monday, August 16th from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm  "Create Through Tales" workshop (Entry is 45 €)

- Monday, August 16th at 8:30 pm "Musical Tales of Medieval Times" (5 EURO for adults) 
Reservation tel contact: 06 18 57 3975

Schedule of Activities

The commune of Prendeignes will host the 5th annual "The path of totems" artistic walking tour from July 1 - October 1. The installation is open free to the public with sponsorship by the association Trace et Couleur, as well as funding from the prefecture of Figeac and the capitol Cahors. The event is know for its plastic creations and narration by Jocelyne Escudero, a visual artist and local storyteller. 28 totems and artistic creations designed to preserve and showcase the heritage of the Ségala line the path passing between Cantagrel and Cantagrel Haut. Special events take place during the summer months, culminating in a "Feast of Tales" on August 15-17. Villagers will gather for a communal stroll on Saturday, July 22 at 4:00 pm in front of the town hall. Bring a dish for the communal potluck. Performances and workshops include:

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